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SAHS explores collaboration between CTE classes / La preparatoria SAHS explora la colaboración entre las clases de CTE

Posted on: June 2, 2023

SAHS explores collaboration between CTE classes

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Students in metals classThe Career and Technical Education (CTE) program in GAPS is an opportunity for students to explore vocational careers and receive technical training during high school. GAPS provides a variety of CTE courses, including woods, metals, jewelry making, business, cooking, and more. Many students who participate in CTE courses can easily transition to a trade school following graduation or even enter the workforce with apprenticeships. For the CTE teachers at South Albany High School, the program is a great solution for students who are not interested in going to a four year college.

“It gives them the exposure to think about what route they want to pursue. There are kids with terrific talent who have such a high skill set and can go straight into an apprenticeship after graduation,” explained David Jazmin, South Albany woods teacher.

“I want to make those kids who do not want to go to college feel successful,” added Matt West, metals and construction teacher. “The trades can provide kids with a living wage without a degree.”

CTE also provides an opportunity to historically underserved students. Jazmin, who has been with GAPS for 10 years, was eager for the opportunity to join the CTE program two years ago. He enjoys being in the classroom as it allows him to support traditionally marginalized populations to find opportunities they haven’t previously explored. The variety of classes in the CTE program provides pathways for students of all backgrounds and identities.

Students in woods classNot only is CTE beneficial for students, it also supports the community. Chris Bielenberg, CTE program assistant, stressed the high need for trades professionals in the area. “There is a huge demand for skilled labor, and people are willing to pay top dollar,” Bielenberg explained.

Beyond providing the skills of the trade, courses also create opportunities for students to develop entrepreneurial abilities. Currently, the program is selling picnic tables and benches that were built by the woods and metals classes. The idea to collaborate between both classes came when Bielenberg discovered lumber from a previous district construction project that was going to be discarded. “Matt has a curriculum that he teaches, but we needed something for the kids that wanted to go further and do more,” Bielenberg explained.

Picnic tableThe picnic tables have a metal frame and can comfortably seat six to eight people. The tables are sturdy and are finished with a high quality Helmsman marine grade exterior spar varnish. The project was made possible through partnerships with local businesses, including Sherman Williams, Ram Steelco and Builders FirstSource. All profits from the picnic tables and benches will be reinvested into the CTE program for future projects. 

If you are interested in purchasing a picnic table or bench, please contact Matt West ( 


La preparatoria SAHS explora la colaboración entre las clases de CTE

Students in metals classEl programa de Educación Técnica y Profesional (CTE) en GAPS es una oportunidad para que los estudiantes exploren carreras vocacionales y reciban capacitación técnica durante la escuela preparatoria. GAPS ofrece una variedad de cursos de CTE, que incluyen maderas, metales, fabricación de joyas, negocios, cocina y más. Muchos estudiantes que participan en cursos de CTE pueden pasar fácilmente a una escuela vocacional/de oficios después de graduarse o incluso ingresar a la fuerza laboral con prácticas. Para los maestros de CTE en la preparatoria South Albany High School (SAHS), el programa es una excelente solución para los estudiantes que no están interesados en asistir a una universidad de cuatro años.

“Los expone a pensar qué vía quieren seguir. Hay jóvenes con un gran talento que tienen un conjunto de habilidades tan alto que pueden pasar directamente a una práctica después de graduarse”, explicó David Jazmin, maestro de carpintería de South Albany. 

“Quiero que los jóvenes que no quieren ir a la universidad se sientan exitosos”, agregó Matt West, maestro de construcción y metales. “Los oficios pueden proporcionar a los jóvenes un salario digno sin un título”.

El CTE también brinda una oportunidad a los estudiantes históricamente desatendidos. El Sr. Jazmin, quien ha estado con GAPS durante 10 años, estaba ansioso por la oportunidad de unirse al programa CTE hace dos años. Le encanta estar en el salón de clases, ya que le permite ayudar a las poblaciones tradicionalmente marginadas a encontrar oportunidades que no han explorado anteriormente. La variedad de clases en el programa CTE brinda vías para estudiantes de todos los orígenes e identidades.

Students in woods classEl CTE no solo es beneficioso para los estudiantes, sino que también apoya a la comunidad. Chris Bielenberg, asistente del programa CTE, enfatizó la gran necesidad de profesionales de oficios en el área. “Hay una gran demanda de mano de obra calificada y la gente está dispuesta a pagar mucho”, explicó el Sr. Bielenberg.

Más allá de proporcionar las habilidades del oficio, los cursos también crean oportunidades para que los estudiantes desarrollen habilidades empresariales. Actualmente, el programa vende mesas de pícnic y bancos que fueron construidos por las clases de carpintería y metales. La idea de colaborar entre ambas clases surgió cuando el Sr. Bielenberg descubrió madera que iba a ser desechada de un proyecto de construcción anterior del distrito. “Matt tiene un plan de estudios que él enseña, pero necesitábamos algo para los jóvenes que querían ir más allá y hacer más”, explicó el Sr. Bielenberg.

Picnic table frameLas mesas de pícnic tienen una estructura de metal y pueden acomodar cómodamente de seis a ocho personas. Las mesas son sólidas y están acabadas con un barniz de alta calidad para exteriores con nivel marino de marca Helmsman. El proyecto fue posible gracias a asociaciones con empresas locales, incluyendo a Sherman Williams, Ram Steelco y Builders FirstSource. Todas las ganancias de las ventas de mesas y bancos de pícnic se reinvertirán en el programa de CTE para proyectos futuros.

Si está interesado/a en comprar una mesa o banco de pícnic, comuníquese con el Sr. Matt West (



Join the RedHawks Flight Club!

Posted on: October 6, 2022

We would love for you to consider supporting our RedHawks Flight Club!

The RedHawks Flight Club is an organization of proud South Albany supporters—both parents and businesses—joining forces to promote excellence in South’s extra-curricular activities. We began in 2019 after the disbanding of the South Albany Booster Club several years earlier. Though we’re a completely new and separate organization, it might be helpful to think of the RedHawks Flight Club as the Booster Club 2.0.

The RedHawks Flight Club is once again offering free admission passes with membership purchases that are good for free admission to regular season home games and activities for the entire school year. We are also offering concessions and spirit gear at all of our home games. 

This year, we are also offering concessions and spirit shops at all of our home games. Our programs are also donating tim

Our goal is to provide financial and moral support that benefit all South Albany students involved in extra-curricular activities—and not just sports! Our support is offered to a wide array of the school’s athletics, activities and clubs.

We believe that the more we can ease the fundraising burden experienced by our sport and activity leaders, the more time and energy they can put into building great programs that build great kids!

The RedHawks Flight Club is under the leadership of a Board of Directors. We are a non-profit, tax-exempt public charity under section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. All donations to the RedHawks Flight Club are tax deductible. Our tax identification number (EIN) is 84-2635880.

Go RedHawks!