South Albany Counseling Staff work with students regarding Academic, Social/Emotional and Career related concerns. If you or your student have a need for these services, please contact your student’s counselor. Counselors are assigned by class grade level.
To set an appointment with your counselor call 541-967-4533.
Mission Statement: To provide social, emotional, academic, and career support to empower, equip, and prepare all students within our schools and community to live, learn, work, and contribute in both local and global communities.
Amy Fraizer, Counseling Secretary
Initial Counseling Information, Appointments for Counselors, Issues Student Body Cards and Health Room Coordination, New Student Registration.

Joyce Lebengood, Counselor for Class of 2028
Suicide Prevention Coordinator, Student Needs Assessment, Mental Health Community Partnerships, Trainer – Suicide Prevention and Awareness, Sources of Strength Adviser
Joshua Wehrman, Counselor for Class of 2027

Tesla Baker, Career Center Coordinator
Informational College Visits and Campus Tours, CTE-STEM Hub Events, Career Exploration Presentations, Job Shadows, Scholarships, Resumes, Job Employment/Volunteer Opportunities, Linn-Benton Youth Job Fair, Career Day
Jamessy Davalos, Outreach & Engagement Coordinator
The Outreach and Engagement Coordinator works closely with Latino and other diverse community organizations and populations to build trust with our families and support students in their academic goals, and any other everyday questions students and their families may have (Attendance and Behavior). Design, develop and implement strategic recruitment and retention programs with a specific focus on diversity and inclusion. Available for appointments through email or phone call to the school at any time.